teacher forces LGBTQ ideologies on pupils

Why do pupils are having these weird ideologies shoved down their throats?
People with genetic defects and mental illnesses do exist and we shouldn't bully them, however normalizing these things, making more and more young people fall ill to that, is immoral and evil.
These MUSTN'T be normalized.Think about the consequences, the only entities that are going to benefit from having more ill people on Earth, are big pharmaceutical companies and governments, normally it isn't great for the government because a society needs a strong work force, however the government now thinks that people can just eat mush and live in fucked up conditions, they can enjoy rural area and peasants are going to be trapped in smart cities, they want more control and ultimately own the rest of the planet and we all become useless eaters trapped in smart cities waiting to be culled as they wish.I say, FUCK THEM ALL, we are going to rise up against those treacherous motherfuckers, evil people who worship the devil, who push the vaccine mandate, they deserve nothing and must have everything of theirs stripped away!
 We the people take the Earth back, it isn't theirs, it belongs to us all.
It does sound like Communism, but the reason why they got to this point is because of socialism at the top and brutal capitalism for normal people, instead of having socialism or communism for all, I'd say, why not destroy the two tier system where those motherfuckers won't ever get bailed out? Free non biased capitalism for all?